Real people seeking the Real Savior.

We are a family of believers in Jesus who seek to live out our faith in God for the sake of others. You are invited to join us! Come as you are, our friend. You are welcome here.

Join us! You are welcome here.

Sunday worship gatherings

Gather with us each Sunday for Bible study at 9:30am and our Worship Gathering at 10:45am. Come as you are and be prepared to connect with God as well as make new friends. 

tuesday drive-up
food pantry

If you’re hungry and need food for your family, help is available. We respect your privacy and will not turn down anyone. The pantry is open the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Click for schedule and information.


There are numerous opportunities to join along with us as we serve the community. Whether it’s youth city soccer leagues, the FCA, or grocery bagging with the All Veterans Center, we have lots of ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Prayer & Study

Join us for prayer at 9:30am and Bible study at 10. Through prayer we bring all needs to God. Our studies help you process scripture’s impact in your daily world, including relationships, love, and unity.

Our Pastor

Jesus follower, husband, father, pastor, friend, nerd, movie buff, general fix-it guy and way too in-depth of a strategist (at least when it comes to board games). May not have much sanity left, but offers a few laughs and a lot of care.

Phil Stalnaker

Lead Pastor


Find out what is going on with the church or keep up to date with the sermons.

Genesis 49:8-12 Published in 1985, this popular children’s book gave some sage advice on dealing with hungry mice while tricking us into learning cause and effect. Jacob’s prophesy over Judah at the end of Genesis also introduces us to the if-then idea. Jacob’s last words over […]
Genesis 45:1-12 by Mike Swihart God began revealing His plan of salvation and the coming Savior, Jesus, The Messiah, soon after Adam and Eve sinned and were separated from the love of God. The LORD begins revealing the coming Savior through whispers and foreshadows in the […]
Genesis 28:10-22 In 1984, the Chicago Bulls drafted a hot shot college basketball player who was known for his offense, but wasn’t great on defense. He ended up getting drafted 4th overall – considered too high for someone who could be called a ball hog. Yet […]

Contact Us

contact information

325 Buck Moore Rd
Lake Wales, FL 33898